
IVF Failure Analysis

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an advanced medical procedure that help couples struggling with infertility to have a baby. However, the success of IVF largely depends on various factors, including the age of the couple, Body Mass Index (BMI), medical diagnosis, ovarian volume and blood flow, medications, surgeries, endometriosis, hydrosalpinx, uterine cavity, endometrium, fibroid, and male factor.

Starting with age it is well known that fertility declines with age, particularly after the age of 35. The older the woman, the lower the chance of success with IVF. It is also essential to consider the male partner’s age, as male factor can contribute to infertility and IVF outcomes.

BMI also plays a crucial role in IVF success. Women with a BMI that is too high or too low may face difficulties in conceiving. Conversely, a BMI within the normal range is ideal for a successful IVF cycle.

Medical diagnosis is another crucial factor in IVF success. Certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis or hydrosalpinx, can impact the chances of success with IVF. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the endometrium grows outside the uterus and can lead to infertility. Hydrosalpinx is a condition where one or both fallopian tubes are blocked and filled with fluid, which can prevent the egg and sperm from meeting.

Ovarian Volume and Antral Follicle Count (AFC) are essential indicators of ovarian function and can impact the chances of success with IVF. A good Ovarian Volume and AFC suggest that the ovaries function well and produce many eggs for fertilization.

Medications, surgeries, and hormonal imbalances can also impact the success of IVF. It is vital to inform the doctor about any medicines used or surgeries performed in the past. Hormonal imbalances, such as those caused by thyroid dysfunction, can also affect the success of IVF.

Endometrium and Uterine Cavity are also the factors to be considered as possible causes of failure in IVF cycle. The endometrium’s thickness and the uterine cavity’s shape can impact the implantation’s success. Therefore, a hysteroscopy is done at Krishna IVF to evaluate the endometrium and uterine cavity before the start of the cycle.

Fibroids, adenomyosis, and uterine blood flow can also impact the success of IVF. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus, and their location can impact the success of implantation. Adenomyosis is a condition where the tissue that usually lines the uterus grows into the muscle wall of the uterus. Uterine blood flow is also important for a successful pregnancy and can be assessed through ultrasound doppler.

The male factor is another important consideration in IVF. The health and age of the male partner, as well as sperm motility and morphology, can impact the chances of success with IVF. In addition, DNA fragmentation, diabetes, and other medical conditions can also affect sperm health and IVF outcome.

Hormones play a crucial role in IVF success, including FSH, LH, AMH, and prolactin. In addition, thyroid dysfunction and autoimmune disorders can impact IVF outcomes. IVF cycle can also be affected by genetic factors, stimulation days, medication, egg quality, and embryo quality.

Genetic factors play a crucial role in the IVF process, as they can affect the health and viability of the eggs and embryos produced. Karyotyping is a test used to determine the number and arrangement of chromosomes in a cell and is a crucial aspect of genetic evaluation in IVF. For example, a Y chromosome deletion can indicate a high risk of genetic disorders, while FSH and LH polymorphisms can impact hormone levels and reproductive function. In addition, Prolactin levels, FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), and AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) are important indicators of reproductive function.

Hormone levels also play a critical role in the IVF process, as they can impact follicular growth ovulation and the development of the endometrium. In addition, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune disorders, and medication can affect thyroid hormone levels. Therefore, checking TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) levels at the beginning of an IVF cycle is important. Diabetes can also affect IVF outcomes, and it is essential to monitor glucose levels closely in diabetic patients undergoing IVF cycle.

Stimulation days, medication dose, and number of times of change of medication dose are essential factors to consider during an IVF cycle. The number of days of stimulation and LH supplementation can impact the quality of eggs produced, and the dose of medication used can influence the development of the follicles. Frequent change in dose of medication can also impact the quality of Oocytes. In addition, before egg retrieval, the E2 (Estradiol) levels are also important indicators of egg quality and embryo development.

The quality of eggs produced during an IVF cycle is crucial to the cycle’s success. The number of eggs retrieved, as well as the number of useful eggs (m1, m2, and p1), can impact the cycle’s success. The quality of the oocytes is determined by several factors, including the zona, perivitelline space, central granulation and SER. The percentage of fertilization and the quality of the embryos produced are also important indicators of success. In addition, the rate of cell division and fragmentation of the embryos can impact the cycle outcome.

The hyperstimulation, blastocyst stage, and transfer difficulty are essential in the IVF process. Hyperstimulation can cause complications such as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). The blastocyst stage is the final stage of embryonic development. It can indicate the health and viability of the embryos produced—the number of blastocysts formed, and the percentage of the blastocysts developed out of number of oocytes obtained plays a role in IVF outcome.

Finally, the transfer difficulty can impact the cycle’s success.

In conclusion, there are several important factors to consider during an IVF cycle, including genetic factors, hormones, stimulation days, medication, egg quality, and embryo quality. All these factors are crucial to the success of the IVF process.

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